Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sorry folks...

This blog is now at I realized quickly Blogger's shortcomings. Please follow me there.

My day in food: lunch

From Pump. Super charged plate with bison, broccoli, peppers and
onions and some low fat cheese. I didn't have time to make lunch this

Those are sweet potato chips in the background. I'm going to try them
when its time for an afternoon snack later.


I love my red meat just as much as the next omnivore. I also love my poultry and my fish. But sometimes, I also like things like tofu. (Which I think my Italian and Irish parents still don't understand. But that's okay.) In fact, it's actually pretty healthy for your body to have some days when you don't have meat. Even Women's Health (my favorite healthy mag) says so.

Ew, bean curd, you say. Once you get past that, and the strange consistency of raw tofu, you'll really like it. It has no discernible taste of its own, so you can do with what you like and it will sop up whatever flavoring you add to it. 

My old college roomie, Jen, made me some great tofu "parmigiana" a few weeks ago. I'll have to get the recipe from her (or she can post it in the comments!), but I think she used planko flakes for the "breading" and I'm assuming maybe eggs to make it stick. Jen and I lived together part of freshman year and all of sophomore year. All of the Chinese and pizza delivery people within a mile radius of American University knew our names. Now we're eating tofu together! We've come a long way, baby! 

I bought some tofu the other day that I want to cook tonight, and I'm looking for a recipe. Some of my loyal readers have asked for recipes, so be sure to watch for some great (EASY - I live alone and make dinner after 8pm when I get home from the gym, so nothing tough here!) healthy recipes.

My day in food: breakfast

Two eggs and turkey bacon.

(mm, bacon!)

My Day in Food: Dinner (Last night)

Update on temptation:

Attended Junior League meeting, was steadfast in declining pizza. I was walking home from the subway, and my stomach started GRUMBLING. I think other people were actually looking at me, it was growling so loudly. I walked past a few more pizza parlors (this is NYC, after all, and there are as many pizza parlors as people) and had an inner debate: "Would it REALLY be SO bad if I had a slice of pizza?" My trainer (who's now reading this, I think) would be glad to know that the angel in my head told the devil in my head "YES! It would be so bad to have it."

So, I stopped and picked up some sushi because, in retrospect, my "dinner" was too small. It was even too small to post a photo of. It was the leftovers of the balsamic chicken from the night before on some more lettuce. So, I had two sushi rolls. I wish they had brown rice, and I wish there hadn't been tempura flakes in the sweet potato one (have you noticed I love sweet potatoes?), but I think it was still a better choice than the pizza.

I got on the scale this am and weighed two pounds less than I did yesterday, so I guess it was an okay choice! That's still one pound more than I weighed when I woke up Friday. No more overindulging weekends for a while for me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


NYC is an amazing city to live in and even diet in! When I first moved
here, I took advantage of the great restaurants, the 24-hour
neighborhood grocery stores and--my favorite--SeamlessWeb.

For those not in the know, is a Web site where you can
order food to be delivered without ever speaking to the kindly souls
answering the phone that don't have a damn clue what you're saying. It
shows you what restaurants are available at the time you're placing
your order, and it even stores your credit card.

Needless to say, the Thai and Italian places were excited to have me
move in. But even now that I'm eating healthy, SeamlessWeb is still my
friend. I can order from Energy Kitchen, a healthy place with lots of
lean protein and veggies, or from the sushi place if I go easy (or
brown) on the rice. There's also Pump, where I went yesterday, which
is also amazing

You're thinking, okay, I can handle myself at home, but what about
when I go out?

Tonight I have a Junior League meeting at someone's apartment, so I
plan on grabbing a bite first so that I'm not tempted to eat the pizza
that I know she'll order.

What if you're going out a restaurant? I guarantee almost anywhere has a
salad or some kind of protein you can get. If not, make a concious
effort to eat as small a portion as possible and have something
healthier when you get home. I'm sure you know this, but try to get
any and all sauces on the side.

How do you resist temptation? Drop me an e-mail at theodora dot blanchfield at gmail dot com or let me know in the comments!

Midafternoon snack

Pineapple and water!

I'm judging you.

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes it's helpful to look at someone eating McDonald's (like someone at my office was as I was walking out) and think, "I am so much healthier. In a few months, I'm going to look way hotter than you."

Don't tell me you've never thought that! But in situations like work, it helps to maintain that stubbornness that no matter what yumminess you smell, you're just not going to give in.

My day in food: Lunch

Lunch today is a Boca tomato-and-basil burger on a bed of spinach with some tomatoes and sundried tomatoes. I microwaved the burger, so this lunch took about a minute to make. I'm eating at home because I work walking distance from my apartment and my little dog needs a walk, but this is something you could make at work, too, as long as your office has a microwave.

As far as keeping the spinach from going soggy from the dressing, The Container store has these awesome Salad Blaster Bowls, which my former (amazing!) boss turned me onto a few years ago. I wasn't really eating much salad then, so I bought one and promptly lost it in my next move. But I'm going to order another one, and you can do so too, here.

Tuesday in Food: Breakfast

Omlette with sun-dried tomato
Turkey bacon
Coffee (obviously)

There's a lot of brouhaha about whether you should drink coffee if
you're trying to lose weight. I say that if you can avoid it, you
probably should. However, I only drink one cup in the am and consume
no other caffeine the rest of the day.

But I'm starting to prefer my exercise high!

Oops. Here are the other fitness blogs Mary posted:

Monday night in food

I admit that this posting what I'm eating is ripped off from
Nutritionista, but I think it's a great idea.

Last night: chicken and tomatoes and spinach sauteed in balsamic
vinegar with sweet potato "fries." who says eating well can't also be

Other fitness blogs -- and a shoutout from Mary Rambin!

Last August, I got my Wired magazine and was surprised there was a pretty, 20-something woman on the cover. The story was about Julia Allison, a blogger living in NYC -- where I was about to move. She's apparently one of the most hated people on the Internet, but, hey, that also means she's one of the most known people on the Internet. Anyway, I started reading her blog and have been hooked ever since. I also started reading her cobloggers' blogs, Mary and Meghan.

Mary may be a god-awful speller, which, sometimes makes her posts a bit hard to read for this grammar nazi, but her blog's gotten better and better. She also teaches occasional spin classes and is really into fitness. To that end, she's been devoting posts on Mondays for the past to weeks to fitness tips and secrets -- including how to set up your spin bike! Now, I've been taking spin classes for the past year and a half, but I never, never knew the handlebars were supposed to be below the saddle. I could feel if the seat was too high or too low, but that was the extent of setting up my bike correctly.

Yesterday, she asked for readers' favorite fitness blogs, so, learning from her coblogger, I took the liberty to do a little self-promotion and sent her a link to this here little blog, which she linked to! Hello NonSociety readers and thanks for visiting. Hope you like what you see, and feel free to let me know if you don't. (Which I'm sure you will.) I'm a professional writer, but still trying to get my blogging sea legs.

And thanks for the shout-out, Mary!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My day in food: Lunch

I'm at one of my new fave places: Pump. They have great, healthy
lunches. It's sort of like Chipotle in that you get to watch them make
it and every meal is based on a wrap, salad or "plate," which is a
fancy way of saying rice bowl.

Then you add protein, veggies and a "bold flavor," which is something
like onions and peppers or tomatoes and basil.

I like it here because it's easy and healthy.

Today I got:
A little bit of brown rice - my stomach has been a little rumbly
lately, so hopefully this will settle it a bit.



Peppers and onions

A wee bit o cheese

And some Guac. I'll check calories after I get back to work and let
y'all know later!

How to set up your spin bike

How To Set Up Your Spin Bike from Mary Rambin on Vimeo.

Courtesy of one of my favorite bloggers, Mary Rambin of NonSociety.

Let loose, but not too loose!

My last post talked about how to be hungover healthily. This weekend, I also over-indulged. I've been staying on track all week, but by the time the weekend comes, I want to let loose a bit. I think it's possible to do that healthily, but one needs to remember "everything in moderation." I sort of remembered that this weekend :) 

It's easy to say I'm too hungover, tired, whatever to go to the gym. That's when you really need to go, because your metabolism is slowing down from the crap you've been putting in. So yesterday, I dragged myself off the couch after brunch and went running with my dog. I felt great afterwards and it was just the push I needed. I've signed up the Army Ten-Miler, I'm running a 5K in June, and I have my friend's wedding coming up in August. This is no time to slack!

13 pounds down, 37 to go. Though I'm not ready still to share my weight with y'all, I'll keep honest with how much I've lost.