Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to be hungover...healthily

Not an oxymoron, I swear.

I went out for a few cocktails last night after a long week (some old habits die hard, but hey, at least I went for the lower-calorie version - vodka soda!) and I'm definitely dragging ass a little this morning. Instead of getting some greasy-ass food (mmmm), I just googled "healthy food hangover." This is what came up. Enjoy on your Saturday!

10 Healthy Hangover Cures
If you don't want to spend the Holiday season walking around with a headache and an upset stomach among other hangover symptoms, you can simply avoid drinking alcohol but for those of you who find it easier to socialize while being a bit tipsy, here are a few hangover tips:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On getting distracted.

I did, this weekend.

I went to D.C. to see some old friends and fell back into some old habits. I had more wine than I've had in the past few weeks. I had tacos (mmmm). I had cheese. And no, they weren't really worth it.

I did, however, bring some of my new habits to D.C. I ordered salads with most meals, or I ordered vegetables. I drank lots of water with the wine. I EVEN DID THE STAIRMASTER SATURDAY. Sunday, I slept in and just couldn't do it. But I'm trying to get back on track, and I'm proud I didn't get that off-track.

But, for some reason, going to the gym has been just that much harder this week. Good thing I have my trainer tomorrow. And good thing I took a kickboxing class tonight, just to mix things up.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What keeps me going?


I went to my folks' house in NJ this weekend for a baby shower yesterday and a golf lesson with my dad today. I hadn't been feeling so hot at the end of last week -- I don't know if my stomach got totally overwhelmed from all the veggies/fiber I've added to my diet or what, but I was glad to catch up on some sleep and lay low in the big NJ. I might also add I managed to make it to NYSC (in NJ) yesterday and go swimming this morning at the gym!

I'm lucky that my parents have a lovely-sized house and that my closet there is roughly half the size of my apartment. Which means I can keep the clothes that don't always fit there and not have to further overstuff my closet. Preparing to return to NYC this afternoon, I decided to visit the land of jeans-that-used-to-fit in my closet. Aside from a rogue pair of Sevens, I can now fit into quite a few pairs of jeans that didn't fit just a month or so ago. Including the Citizens for Humanity ones I'm wearing right now (not pictured; my ass doesn't look that good yet!)

Sure, I had to do the squat-and-wiggle to get into them, but I'm in them and I've even worn them all day. And I can still breathe! My trainer promises I can see the return of other clothes that didn't fit soon.

He also promises a free session if I can lose more than two pounds this week. Whaddya think?

What this week looks like for me

And how I plan to get my exercise in.

Monday: cardio before work; 1:30pm 30-minute trainer session (yes, mid-workday)

Tuesday: 7:30am 30-minute trainer session; cardio immediately following

Wednesday: OH DEAR GOD. 6am trainer session. If I can make it through the work day, I'll do some cardio after work. If I die, however, I won't have to do cardio!!

Thursday: 8am regular one-hour training session; bringing Bailey to NJ at night. No extra cardio that day. But if I'm still standing after four trainer sessions and three other days of cardio, I think I've earned it.

Friday: Will be commuting in from NJ; will try for some point. Flying to DC at night!

Some nutrition guidelines

So here's some guidelines my trainer gave me. I follow this probably about 90 percent. The no dairy is pretty tough.

1. I don't listen to anything the news or anything I see advertised has to say about food/nutrition. You hear/see catch phrases like fat-free, sugar-free, antioxidants, low carbs, blah, etc. Oprah does this or eats that......All designed to make you buy something, NOT designed to make you healthy.

2. Variety, variety, VaRiEtY. Eat nuts, but not just Almonds every day, eat fruit, but not just oranges. I once listed everything I ate in a day and it had 30 something ingredients. So try EVERYTHING that is natural often. And this will also help you eat everything in moderation.

3. Fats are good for you and will not make you fat. Our body needs dietary fat to metabolize food properly and make hormones(which control all cell function). Upon further research, I have also learned that even saturated fats are needed by the body for very complex metabolic system pathways. Once thought to be evil, cholesterol is needed to make testosterone. This helps to explain why increased exercise lowers cholesterol and raises testosterone. So eat the whole egg!! Use olive oil and use nuts as a great snack. Vitamin d is also made by our body with sunlight and cholesterol as a precursor.

4. When you eat matters. I choose to have 6-8 meals a day. Why give your "Engine" it's largest meal at night?...So the energy can be stored for fat?? The body uses energy only when it needs it. Lets say you eat an egg, some mixed greens w/olive oil, an orange, and mixed fruit blended in a shake for breakfast. The total energy from this meal is probably around 400 calories. Most of these ingredients are "slow burning" (low glycemic index)and will be used by your body as they are being digested which will take maybe 3-4 hours. Chances are you will need the 400 calories over that period of time. Now lets say you drank a coffee w/sugar and milk, and had a bagel with cream cheese. Ok, roughly 400 calories as well. The sugar enters the body immediately and the white-bread bagel is turned into sugar almost as quickly and placed into the blood stream. But, your body doesn't need 400 calories that fast. So, what does the body do with excess calories? The answer is NOT leave the sugar in the blood stream. The answer is store it for glycogen or in most fat.

5. I only use natural, whole, organic food. Period. Natural to me means unprocessed. I don't need my food to be put in a can and heated or to be dried and cooked in some factory. Our bodies were not meant to digest chemicals and preservatives. Cherries are good, canned cherries are useless. Green beans are great, canned ones are not. Whole means the entire thing (within reason). Some exceptions example is olive oil. An orange is good, just it's juice is not. Wheat is not that bad, just it's flour, is. Organic is the only catch phrase I hear a lot that I do agree with. If it is truly organic that means the farmers didn't use pesticides or fertilizers.

6. I don't consume milk/dairy. This would take a colloquium for me to explain fully, just go to

7. I eat as many vegetables as possible. Again, too many reasons why.. Consult an oncologist or someone who studies centenarian diets for all the reasons. Frozen, fresh, steamed, un-steamed, sauteed in olive oil..whatever.

8. I try to stay away from most grains. They just have an abundance of energy with little nutrition...something I don't need.

9. I like lentils, beans, and legumes.

10. Soy is not that great. It has become an adulterated unnatural replacement protein that is found in everything. Google it.

11. Red meat makes me tired and I find I am hungry shortly after eating it. I love how it tastes, but gave it up and never felt better.

12. I have found that eating too little makes me store fat easier. Yes, when I was trying to lose the last 5 pounds of body fat on my stomach I noticed it wasn't until I ate more that it started to go away. The answer is survival. When you don't eat enough calories the body slows metabolic function to as low as possible, and will do everything in it's power to conserve energy, especially the energy stored as fat and glycogen. Then, when you try to jog 5 miles to burn it off, the body just responds by slowing the BMR (basil metabolic rate). Causing further frustration and causing one to "crash" or become hungry. This is why you can see overweight people who spend hours on a treadmill tell you, "but I hardly eat anything!" Why would your body use up energy it has stored when it knows it can just make you tired, lower the heat, or make you eat something?? It wasn't until I ate more and more often with the right amount of exercise that my body realized the energy was going to be replaced and my six-pack started showing.

13. Finally, if one were to insist on drinking coffee or soda, just use real sugar. Aspartame and the like are poisons and will increase insulin resistance and make you hungrier, sicker, and tired. Google it, go to and read through his site, or go strait to, I agree with most of what Dr. Mercola says with the exception(s) of his take on whey and he always seems to be selling something he is talking convenient. If I was selling Tulsey tea, I could list 1,000 great things about it as well.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Why I'm here/doing this

I'm 26 years old, and I've struggled with my weight to some degree or another since high school. I played tennis and did gymnastics, so I was pretty athletic, just not as thin as I wanted to be. When I went off to college, I gained the Freshman 15 and then some. I still didn't consider myself all that big, just more than I wanted to weigh. Since I've graduated college almost 4 years ago, I've been pretty unhappy with how I've looked, and a lot of that has to do with how much I weighed.

I've watched my friends successfully lose weight in the past year or so and realized it's totally possible. To that end, I started with a trainer on February 18, and I've already lost eight pounds. I still have 41 pounds to go to get to my goal weight, but I'm hopeful.

I'm achieving this by working with a trainer (Joel, who's amazing!) twice a week and trying to do cardio at least five times a week other than my workouts with him.

As far as diet, he's advised me to cut out grains (bread, pasta, rice) and dairy, and eat protein, veggies and fruit. For the most part it's going pretty well, and I don't often crave sugar and carbs any more.

This blog is meant for you to follow along with my weight loss journey and hopefully learn a few things along the way and keep me motivated.

Some notes on transparency: I will try to share my weight/what I've eaten as often as I can and will definitely share with you my workouts.